1. We Always Raise Our Standards
We believe in setting high standards for ourselves, constantly pushing past our comfort zones, and never settling for mediocrity.
2. We Don’t Take the Path of Least Resistance
We recognize the importance of taking the road less traveled, facing challenges head-on, and never backing down from a fight.
3. We Are Radically Honest with Ourselves
We are committed to facing our fears, embracing our flaws, and being fully honest about who we are and what we want in life.
4. We Are Proactive and Take Full Ownership
We understand that our lives are in our own hands, and we take responsibility for our choices, our actions, and our outcomes. We hold ourselves accountable to the outcome.
5. We Are Laser-Focused
We believe in setting clear goals, focusing our attention, and eliminating distractions in order to achieve the outcome.
6. We celebrate Our Personal Achievements
We acknowledge the importance of taking pride in our successes, no matter how small, and using them to fuel our motivation and drive.
7. We Have a Plan
We understand that a well-thought-out plan is essential to achieving our goals, and we are dedicated to putting in the time and effort required to craft a successful strategy.
8. We Trust the Process
We believe in the power of consistency, perseverance, and unwavering commitment to our goals, and we understand that success is a journey, not a destination.
9. We Generate Certainty For Ourselves
We recognize the importance of having unwavering confidence in our abilities and a deep-seated belief in our potential for greatness.
10. We Focus on What We Control
We understand that true happiness and success come from focusing on the things we can control and letting go of the things we cannot.
11. We Have Faith
We believe in the power of a positive outlook, the importance of having hope, and the value of maintaining a strong faith in ourselves and in the journey ahead.
12. The Power is Within Us
We understand that the keys to our success and happiness lie within us, and we are committed to tapping into our inner strength and using it to achieve our goals.
13. We Create Unbreakable Routines and Habits
We believe in the importance of establishing healthy routines and habits, and using them as a foundation for personal growth and development.
14. We Challenge Limiting Beliefs and Behaviours
We recognize the power of our beliefs and behaviours, and we are dedicated to identifying and changing those that hold us back from achieving our full potential.
15. We Are On Our Journey
We understand that success and happiness are a journey, not a destination, and that the journey itself is filled with challenges, setbacks, and lessons that are essential to our growth.
16. We Have a Powerful Purpose (The Why)
We believe in the importance of having a clear sense of purpose, and using that purpose to drive us forward and keep us motivated.
17. We Go Beyond Our Goals
We recognize the importance of constantly challenging ourselves, pushing past our limits, and reaching for new and greater heights.
18. We Love Ourselves Unconditionally
We believe in the power of self-love, self-acceptance, and self-compassion, and understand that these things are essential to our happiness and success.
19. We Journal Every Day of Our Journey
We understand the value of reflecting on our progress, learning from our experiences, and tracking our growth over time.
20. We Have Limitless Superpowers
We believe that each and every one of us has incredible potential, boundless energy, and limitless superpowers that are waiting to be.
We Are the Phoenix,
Rising from the Ashes
of our Past
It symbolizes the rebirth and transformation that we are undergoing. Embrace your new life and all that it has to offer. Be proud of who you are and what you have accomplished, and never give up on your journey towards personal growth and fulfilment.